Since I'm taking a break from racing for awhile, I thought I'd write an update on running and what has been going on with the Challenge lately. First off, I just got back from a great five day vacation in Outer Banks with my family and Adam. We had a wonderful time and relaxed at the beach, ate way too much great food, and just spent time together. Mom is still not feeling her best but was a great sport despite how she felt.
Sure, there were beers on the beach and more food than I should admit to, but there were some healthy aspects to the trip as well. For one, I ate much more fruit than usual because it was always cut and ready in the fridge, so I'll try to have fruit available more often at home. It was interesting to me that an almost daily part of my relaxing lifestyle was working out. Adam and I went on a 15 mile bike ride, I got in a few runs despite the heat, and I even spent some time swimming laps in the pool (first time in years!). I realize that I actually enjoy working out and living an active lifestyle - when I have time. Because life gets busy, working out is often one of the first things to suffer. With the Challenge, I've thought of running as a second job of sorts, and it's been great to give it a higher priority on a regular basis. I'll try to keep this mentality even when the Challenge is done.
Overall though, my runs haven't been great lately. I was planning to take some time off after my 8th race but ended up running sooner than I planned. The runs I have done have been very difficult for me. I think that because of the heat, I just haven't been able to run nearly as far as I'd like.
So today I pulled out my gym membership and spent some time bonding with the treadmill. I got in a 14 mile run (longest ever, excluding the Alexandria half marathon mishap - but I walked most of the end of that). It was great to know that I could still do it! Looking forward to running more and maybe even adventuring into some other workout forms. Swimming was pleasant and a friend just told me there's a pool at the high school less than half a mile from my apartment which you can pay to use, so I may try that. I've also toyed with biking to work for awhile (about 7-8 miles each way) and may see if that works out as well. Just loving all the new adventures!